
Essex Golf Union

Braxted Park Woodford GC Brentwood GC Thorndon Park GC Colne Valley Frinton GC Rochford Hundred Braintree Gosfield Lake Thorpe Hall Canons Brook The Warren Three Rivers

Essex Boys Championship

Wednesday 6th August
Canons Brook, Tee - White
H'cap Allowance: 95%


Open to players under 18 years of age at 00.00 hours on 1stJanuary in the year of the event who qualify under paragraph 2 of the Strokeplay Regulations.

Individual Handicap limit - 15.

36 Hole Scratch Stroke Play Championship.

A £5 administration fee is payable if a late entry is considered.

Entries after the draw has been made, approximately 1 week prior to the event, may not be considered.

Please note that refunds will not be given after the closing date and by entering this event you give consent to any photography or videography being used for the promotion of the activities of County Golf. You also consent to us holding your data. 
Our privacy policy is available on the Essex Golf Union website.

If this event is over subscribed, there will be a ballot applied in handicap order. This will be managed by an automated live system fed by the CDH.


Played concurrently with the Boys Championship. Open to all affiliated Clubs, who shall be represented by a team of two or three players nominated before commencing play on the day of the Competition.

The Championship shall be decided by Stroke Play over 36 holes, the winning Club being that which has the lowest gross aggregate of their best two players from those nominated.  In the event of a tie the result will be decided on the scores over the last 18, 9, 6, 3, or 18th hole on the card, if still tied then the Trophy shall be shared.


Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £30.00 Per Member (Required On Entry)
  • £5.00 Per Member (Optional)
Open To: Men

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